Shadowman Wiki

The Flambeau or Torch is used as a weapon and to light up dark hallways in Deadside, or the Asylum. It can be found near the entrance to the Fire Temple, and is hidden behind a coffin gate which requires a shadow power of five to open.

When equipped, the Flambeau drains voodoo power at a rate of 100/5sec, so it's wise not to carry it all the time except occasionally. When fired at enemies, it shoots an arcing fireball, consuming 500 voodoo power in the process. A full hit causes more damage to a single enemy than any other weapon except the Calabash.

The Flambeau's secondary function is for burning down the bloodstained tapestries of skin, found in Deadside and the Wasteland. The tapestries hold Cadeaux and lifeforce energy most of the time, until Shadow Man comes upon the Nager Temple where he will need the Flambeau to collect a Govi

